Communications Portfolio

Marketing one-pager making the case to support women experiencing homelessness. Click image to see full document.

N Street Village 50th Anniversary Gala wrap-up video on social media featuring the Steinbruck honorees. Click image to see video on Instagram.

Read the press release promoting the 50th anniversary of N Street Village.

Miscellaneous social media posts:

Fund Affordable Housing Advocacy Campaign on social media:

N Street Village social media year-end fundraising campaign during the 5oth anniversary year:

Playtime Project #EducationThruPlay social media campaign raised $6,000 in two weeks for backpacks and school supplies, and put Playtime in the running for a $100,000 grant, which the organization won:

Mothers of the Village campaign raised just over $20,000 during the six-week campaign and expanded NSV’s social media reach on Facebook by 500% and Instagram by 150%. See Evelyn Green’s video. See Mothers of the Village accompanying web page.

Playtime Project Do More 24 One-day fundraising campaign:

Annual Reports

Wrote and designed annual reports using InDesign. Click respective images to view reports.

Newsletters and Articles written or ghostwritten by me (click image or headline to read the article or newsletter)